Monday, December 3, 2007

In Memory of Patricia Robinson

Patricia Ann Robinson

August 14, 1944 ~ December 1, 2007

A celebration of her life was held at West Bethel Baptist Church, Quarry Rd. Newnan, GA on December 22, 2007 at 6:00pm.

Memorial to Patricia Robinson

Good evening everyone. I want to thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate the life of Patricia Robinson.
I think most of you know me, I’m John McCollough. Pat was my Aunt, my mom’s sister; she was the 5th child and the third girl born to the Henry family. She was born August 14, 1944. Pat has two daughters, Teresa and Denise they both lived very close to their mom in Alabama. She also has four grandchildren, Jennifer, Lauren, Jessica, and Jon Jon as she called him. Pat always referred to Teresa and Denise as her girl babies even though they were grown with “girl babies” of their own. She loved them all and treasured them as the most precious gift she had ever received. Pat was 63 at her passing this past December 1st. Tonight we have come together to share the stories of a lady who found humor in almost everything in life. Pat loved toys and quirky gifts. She gave them and loved to get them. She joked, she played around and remained a kid at heart most of her life. Pat was a good one to have around if you weren’t a particularly good joke teller. She could help make a bad joke good just from her laughter and enthusiasm. Her daughter Teresa shared that sometimes it was frustrating when they were trying to get her to focus on important things she had to deal with, but later realized that that attitude was not so bad.

Pat always made you feel at home when you came to visit and would share with the world that you were her sister, niece or nephew or friend or whoever, it didn’t matter. She was proud of her family. Pat never met a stranger. She would help anyone that needed it. In fact, in the last few years she was known to help those that needed no help at all.

After a severe aneurysm in 2000 that nearly ended her life, it was like she was born again. She willfully shared how God had wrapped his arms around her and brought her through this tragic event. The doctors had given little hope that Pat would pull thru and were further amazed that she did so with little to no complications after the fact. Pat really began to find her purpose in life about this time. She went back to school and achieved her Certified Nursing Assistants certificate, and began really helping the people that needed it the most.

During periods of her life Pat struggled with alcohol. After the aneurysm Pat found a way to kick the habit. She joined AA. Through AA and her new faith in God she was able to overcome this powerful disease. She inspired others to follow suit and was a role model for those who were also challenged with this vice. Pat considered this newfound freedom her “new life” and she wasn’t a shame to tell you her story.

I heard this story about a time when the girls were very young back in LaGrange. One winter day Jackie, Gwenda and Pat were walking to school and it was really cold. Pat had a pair of gloves and the younger ones did not; so, she gave one glove to Jackie and one glove to Gwenda so they could carry their books with one hand and put the other in their pocket to stay warm. Pat did without.

When Pat was fifteen she worked part-time during the summer at Kress Co. and would walk home during her lunch hour just to make lunch for her younger sisters. There were times she had to spend her own money to buy the bread to make their lunch. The younger sisters looked up to their older sister because she took care of them and looked after them. That is an attribute she never lost.

We can all take a lesson from this ladies life. It’s as simple as this Live life, love life, love one another. Take your adversities and turn them into advantages.

If Pat were here today she would ask, how often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood?Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, or an insensitive person ruin your day? She would say, the mark of a successful person is how quickly he or she can get back his or her focus on what is important.

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so: Love the people who treat you right... pray for the ones who don't.
Teresa told me that Pat was extremely excited about Christmas this year. I am sure she is rejoicing in Heaven tonight with her Mom, dad, her brothers, sister and the many others she knew. In front of you there are two sets of candles. The ones on your left represent the family circle with a light still burning for those that are still here. The ones on your right represent the family circle whose light is burning in Heaven. While we listen to the song I can only Imagine, Jackie and Gwenda will move the tribute candle for Pat to be rekindled with her family in heaven. Pat’s candle of light may have extinguished on earth, but she shares in everlasting light with the Father in heaven and joins with the other member’s of her family who have gone on before her.

Robin and Teresa share their thoughts about Pat. John reads a letter from Gwenda.

We all have our special memories of Pat and I think we can all agree she is very happy tonight. She is free from all pain and she’s singing with the angels. So as we think of her and the rest of her family, our family, as they rejoice, we ask,
"What Are They Doing in Heaven Today?"

Final prayer, Amazing grace on bagpipes


Wolfe-Bayview Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc.
19698 Greeno Road Fairhope, AL 36532
Phone #: (251)990-7775 – Fax #: (251)990-7776

Patricia Ann Robinson, age 63, formerly of Newnan, GA, and a resident of Fairhope, AL passed away at the Thomas Hospital in Fairhope Saturday, December 1, 2007.

Ms. Robinson was a CNA for private home health for several years. Throughout her life she touched many lives and was an inspiration to many. She was a joy to all she met.

Preceded in death by her parents, O. D. and Lois Henry: Sister, June Hill; Brothers, Randall Henry and Danny Henry.

She is survived by her daughters, Teresa Carpenter (Mark) of Silverhill, AL and Denese Daugherty (Mark) of Creola, AL. Sisters, Martha Sumrall of Mandeville, LA, Jackie Ponder (Mannon) of Moreland, GA, Gwenda Boone (Gary) of Newnan, GA; and brother in-law Ernie Hill (June).

Grandchildren, Jennifer Parker, Lauren Carpenter, Jessica McCullough and John McCullough;
Numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

Memorial services will be held from Grace Church in Fairhope, AL Sunday December 9, 2007, at 3:00 pm.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that a memorial be made to St. Pauls Methodist Church

St Pauls Cementery
% Mr. Wilkins
315 Highland Avenue
Carrollton Ga 30117

Condolences may be made on line at:

My Mom

My Mom loved toys. She loved ice cream and candy. She loved to laugh. She loved to give “quirky” little gifts to make you smile. She loved and was very proud of her “girl babies”, her “grandbabies”, her family and friends (just ask anyone she met on the street). Most importantly, she loved and was proud of herself of all that she accomplished especially these last 7 years.

My Mom never really “grew up”. She had this child-like quality about her that at times could be maddening and at other times quite delightful. I did not always understand or appreciate this quality enough. This saddens me now for I am painfully aware that there is indeed in each of us a child that “never really grows up”. A child that sees the wonder of the world; that delights in the simple things in life; that loves to play, to laugh, and to cry when they are hurt. A child that loves to be taken care of…

I never thought of this child-like quality as a gift but now that she is not “here” I realize “my loss”. I realize that daily she was a reminder to me and those around her to never lose our child-like wonderment.

So in memory of my Mother, I encourage each of us to carry the torch of “never really growing up”. Enjoy life. Allow ourselves to laugh, to cry. Eat a little more ice cream. Buy a few “quirky” gifts. Most of all, allow ourselves to appreciate every day the special gifts and qualities given to us, to our family, and to all those who God chooses place in our life.

Mom I love you and miss you very much!

Your girl baby Teresa

I'm Spending Christmas With Jesus Christ This Year!

I see the countless Christmas trees
Around the world below,
With tiny lights like heaven's stars
Reflecting in the snow.

The sight is so spectacular
Please wipe away that tear
For I'm spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
That people hold so dear
But earthly music can't compare
With the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you
The joy their voices bring
For it's beyond description
To hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
Trust God and have no fear
For I'm spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.

I can't tell you of the splendor
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you imagine Christmas
With our Savior, face to face?

May God uplift your spirit
As I tell Him of your love
Then pray for one another
As you lift your eyes above.

So let your hearts be joyful
And let your spirits sing
For I'm spending Christmas in Heaven
And I'm walking with the king!
by Wanda Bencke


Anonymous said...

To My Sister, Pat;
You were taken too young and too suddenly. I know God has His reasons and somehow I believe you wanted to go be with Him. In the past few months you mentioned too frequently that you wanted to leave here. We will miss you and especially your laughter at any and every thing.
Love you and miss you,

Anonymous said...

It's your grandbaby Lauren. I took care of a memoriam for you today. I asked the USA Children's and Women's Hospital if I could set up a donation in your memory and they said yes. I know that you are always trying to help and I knew you would want to donate to this. I love you MeeMaw! And I really miss you a lot...I lost you too soon.
Love your grandbaby,
Lauren Shae'

If anyone wants to make a memoriam donation to the hospital you can contact me at

Anonymous said...

As a friend of Jackie's, I was in the Henry home on Pierce St. in LaGrange many times. My memory of Patricia is from that time many years ago; but, I definitely remember her! I thought she was sooo funny the way she would 'cut-up' and 'pick' at me! And her laugh...I can hear it now! I am thankful to have the memory of such a delightful person!
Cheryl Pardue

Anonymous said...

To my family I especially want to Thank John for doing this for us. I think he did a great job.
Gosh it still does not seem right or real. I still think of Pat being in the hospital and will be coming home any time.

Pat I hope you know how much you were loved and will be missed by all that you have touched in your life. I know you are really celebrating with Mom, Dad, Randall, June and will now meet Danny. I miss you so much Pat but knowing that you are not in any more pain helps the loss of you. I think back of what I can remember since I too am getting older and remember the way I didn't want you out of my sight when I was a wee little girl. All of my sisters are special in their own ways but I love you all the same.

I love and miss you so much.

Anonymous said...

To My Aunt Pat,
I am just without words...I will miss your laughter and your smile. You never let anyones opinion sway your purpose. You lived your life the way you wanted. I will remember the times we shared and miss you dearly. Love your Nephew, Greg

Anonymous said...

To my dear friend and Aunt..
You and I were always close!! You gave Ruby her nickname"RUBY DOO"!! I mentioned you to a friend of mine and he said; I remember her-- she always said-- 'WOOFIE POO"! To this day Ruby's nickname stays with her!! We also called her "RU RU"! I am going to miss you dearly!! I will miss your laughter and friendship!!
With all our love,Rhonda @ Ruby

Anonymous said...

Pat,Your smile, laughter, and sweetness will be a forever remembrance. I will miss you. Love, Judy

Anonymous said...

Aunt Pat was truly a special person. Not just in my eyes, but to anyone who has ever met her. She took pride in caring for people, and that truly was her gift to this world. She would spoil you rotten no matter what your age.
I am so proud of her and her accomplishments..Most of all I am proud to say she was my aunt and that I had the honor and privilege of having her in mine and my familys lives..
We love you!
"Lanabell" & the Huckeba Family

anonymous said...

Pat, I have seen the change God made in your life over the past few years, and you always gave Him the glory for that change. You loved your family and showed it, you loved your friends and showed it, your love for life was written all over your face with that great smile of yours,which showed God's love through you. We will miss you. Edwina, Carl and Joanna

Delene said...

I am a first cousin to Patricia. Her mom (Aunt Lois) and my mom (Mae) were sisters. As young children we spent lots of time together, but as we grew older we also grew apart from each other. I do remember Patricia always smiling and laughing; and her red curly hair. My prayers are with all her family at this sad time.
Love, Delene Cook Wall

Kevin said...

You leaving so soon came as a shock but I do not question why, just know that you have no more worries in His Kingdom. I thank God for the opportunity to have had you in my life, the caring and the laughter that you showed me, I will always count as a blessing. I will miss you amd your laughter and smile. I will miss cutting up with you " Patricia" I will see you again one day. Kevin

Anonymous said...

Pat I'm setting here with you on my mind. It's been a week and it still seems to be a dream wondering when I will wake up and you will still be here with us. I keep waiting to hear that you have come out of ICU and all will be ok. Pat I know you were an inspiration to all the freinds at AA and they looked up to you for your help and you gave them encouragement. We were all so proud of you and your accomplishments. I know too that the freinds you have in Fairhope will miss you because you never met a stranger. I remember how you would tell everyone that we were your sisters from GA and they would just laugh along with us and say its nice to meet you. You had a way of getting them to smile no matter what. I miss your Sunday morning calls. I love and miss you so much. Love you,

Anonymous said...

Trish Ann,

I have tried to write in this space several times but emotions are so strong I could not get it done. I still find it so hard to accept that you are not with us any more. On Saturday morning I found myself staying close to the phone waiting for your weekly call, but it never came and reality came crashing down. I find it hard to accept that I won't open my door and find you standing there giggling because you surprised me.

I try to put the pieces of our life puzzle together and remember so much that we shared together not only as sisters but as friends.
Even as children you were there to take care of Gwenda and I since we were younger. I think of you being only fifteen, working parttime at Kress's during the summer and you would walk home during your lunch hour just to fix lunch for us. There is no way we could ever have repaid you for the things you did for us. Did I ever say thank you?

Even though you may have appeared to be the weaker one of us, you were really the strongest and I realize that now. God knew you were strong and placed many burdens on you that only through His grace the rest of did not have to bear. I wonder if any of us could have done as well as you. You touched so many lives through what you accomplished and I will always be so proud of you.

When we were together we could act "goofy", laugh, and have a wonderful time and not even feel silly. You had that quality to make others do the same.

I love and miss you so much but I would not wish you back here to endure the pain you have had. Though a piece of my heart went with you, you left so many memories with me that I will hold onto forever.

Loving you forever Trish Ann.


Anonymous said...

You were always so understanding-You were always so caring-You were always so concerned-You were always so giving-You were always so helpful- You were always my friend--And I love you MY FRIEND!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Pat but love her sister, Gwenda. What a wonderful tribute from her daughter. She was obviously a delightful, fun-loving, caring person who brought joy into any situation. I wish I had known her. To Pat's family, you are in my prayers. Always remember, a beautiful soul is never forgotten.
Vesta Brown

Anonymous said...

Jackie, Gwenda, Martha and the whole "Henry" family,
I was so shocked to hear about Pat. I have known the Henry sisters through my family - my mom Audrey Pruitt and growing up practically on Pierce Street and Cherry Street every summer. Mom always referred to Pat as Trisha and mom loved all of y'all so much. I feel so blessed to know this family - Sister Henry was like a 2nd mother to Audrey. Please know that I am thinking of all of you and you are in my prayers.

Love you,
Sharon (Sherry) Cathey

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat guess you are having a great time spending your first Christmas with God and the rest of our family that is already there. We sure did miss you here with us. I missed calling you and wishing you a Merry Christmas.

We had your memorial service this past Saturday here and I think you would have been so proud. some of your dear friends and lots of family members were there. John did a great job with the tribute to you. He later told me and Jackie the liners he wanted to tell but he didn't. We told him he should have becasue you would be the first to laugh and really appreciate them. You would have said yea! yea!! that's my nephew.

We love and miss you so much.
I love you Pat.. Always Gwenda

Anonymous said...

We are really going to miss our Christmas with you. Mark used to look forward having it with you because of the gifts you gave. We are going to miss laughing so hard until tears come out while opening up the gifts from you. In honor to you we are going to carry on your gift givings ways. My Mark received a bag of cookie mix and the kids received some kind of balloon toy. We laughed but it was not the same hearing your laughter which was always the loudest. We had our pictures taken as promised, all your grandbabies looked so sharp. I wished I had one more Christmas with you. I was trying to make this a very special Christmas and I was looking forward to it. I knew time was running out but I did not know it was going to run out before Christmas.
I really miss our afternoon talks. I know you are in a better place and not sufferning anymore but it still hurts knowing that i just can't call you and you telling me "GirlBaby, I love you and I'm so glad that I got my GirlBabies back." I love you too!
Your GirlBaby Denese

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It' me again...It's been a month now and still don't seem real. I dreamed of you Pat and you was with Mama at her trailer. It was so strange but before you would lay and down and rest you told me if I truly loved you I would hug your neck even though you were dead. Well I hugged your neck because Pat I did love you and always will. I miss you and not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Your 2008 year will surely be better. Love you always....

Anonymous said...

Well hello Pat (Shag) you are on my mind today and still missing you so much. I wanted to call you today and tell you guess what it is snowing and it's so pretty out.

I check this blog out just about every day just to feel close to you as I do June's. It is very conforting just to login and read about you and June.

I will close for now don't ever forget that I love you so much.

Love you always, Your baby sister Gwenda (AKA Jughead)

Anonymous said...

Well Pat it has been 2 months now since you left us. I could not help but think of you since I got the email from Martha about the Madri Gras parades. I know how you enjoyed them and missed you calling to say you need to come down here. I remember how you enjoyed getting all the stuff they would throw and I think I have some of the beads that you collected. Gosh Pat it still does not seem real that you are not with us anymore. Love and miss you. Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat it's your baby sister again. I wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines day. I just went to Junes blog and left her a message. I sure do miss you guys. I know you all are having a time celebrating Valentines day. I just wanted to say I love you and miss you. Always Gwenda.

Anonymous said...

Today is Thursday March 6th and I'm sitting here at work thinking of you acutally all day long. I dreamed of you last night and we were back in the hospital and we were all around your bed waiting trying to hear your voice, your jokes or something. I keep thinking today that your still not confortable yet since your ashes are not where they are supposed to be, beside Mama. (You know like the show Ghost Whisper.) I sure do miss you Pat. I can't even imagine the pain you were in that caused you to leave us that Friday evening and took you away from us that Saturday morning. I would not want you back in that kind of pain but the shelfishish in me wish you were still with me and Jackie & Martha. I love you and miss you so much. Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Five months have gone by and it still does not seem real. This was your first Mothers Day with Mama and with June in your new home. We sure miss you down here on earth but like I wrote about June you are still here with me in my heart. Love and miss you so much. Hope you had a great time with Mama and June and all the other angels up there. Love ya, Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Hello my beloved sister. I want to wish you a belated Mother's Day. I miss your phone calls your laughter when you thought you had fooled me by making me guess who you were. (as if there was no Caller ID!)

Lots of memories of you are replayed in my mind. If only I knew the last time we talked was going to be the last time. We probably would have laughed louder, talked longer and you would known just ho much you meant to me.
Love you forever,
Martha aka Snake

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat it's me again. Wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you today. It will soon be your birthday and sure hope that you will finally be laid to rest in peace beside Mama like you wished. I think of you and the rest of the family that has left us behind everyday. Guess you know by now to that Chad left us. It's been a month since he died. More of our family is up there than down here. Love you and miss you... Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat:
Your birthday is this week and I wish you could celebrate your 64th with us.

Pat, I miss your crazy phone calls. I would pick up the phone you would say "Is this Snake?" Then you would giggle awhile before we would start talking. I miss that.

Somehow it is easier to think you are still in Fairhope than to think you are really gone.

Anyway, I just wanted to say 'Happy Birthday'

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pat!!! Today is your birthday and sure wish you were here to celebrate it. You may not be here but you are not forgotten. If I remember right this would be your 64th birthday. I know you are Happy there celebrating your first birthday up there. I love you and miss you.
Love ya, Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Trish Ann,

I sent you this note on your birthday but for some reason it did post.

I know you had the best birthday ever this year, as the song says, I can only imagine!! I, too, have a birthday coming up and this will be the first one that I have had without you. If I could talk to you right now I know you would be laughing and saying, "goody, goody, I got to spend my birthday in Heaven with Mama, Daddy, June, and Randall".

I still miss you so much and we have such a beautiful spirit missing from our lives.

Loving you and missing you,


Anonymous said...

Hey Trish Ann,

Gosh, I still miss you so much. I have dreamed about you every night for the past week. In one of them we were hugging each other, laughing, and crying. Oh, what a wonderful feeling. Why did you leave us so soon?

You and I were a lot a like. We could act so silly together and not feel rediculous and I miss that so much!

I love you forever and miss you,


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat it's me and just sitting here thinking about you. The one year anniversay is fast approaching. Thinking about what a grand ole time you all are having since Ernie has come home to you all. He has been with you all for over a week now. We will have two more missing this Christmas. They still have your body (ashes) in Alabama and hopefully they will honor your wish soon and put your to rest beside Mama like you requested. Missing you so much. I sure missed you calling me and wishing me a Happy Birthday this year. I Love you always and will never forget you. Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat today 1 year ago we received the call that you were in the hospital and needed to come fast. Not knowing that you would not be able to respond to us and let us (Jackie & myself)know that you knew we were there. We were not able to hear your voice saying hey yall these are my sisters from Ga,your laughter or see you smile. Oh how I miss you and love you still so much. I know you are celebrating your first anniversay in heaven. I still have all the memories to cherish and will never forget you. I love you, Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Well Sister Dear you have been laid to rest at the head of Mama. I bet that was a change because now it it cold. You had been use to staying in Denese's house where it was warm. We sent you several balloons up to set you free. The headstone and Angel that you girls got is so beautiful. We relly enjoyed their visit. Denese and Teresa made a CD in memory of you and did such a great job. Love and miss you. Always & forever Gwenda

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat:
I wish I could have been there when the balloons were sent up. Today is the anniversary of Mom's death and I am feeling a bit 'weepy' thinking about all of my family who has gone on. My heart is heavy but one day we will have a big family reunion in heaven.
So to you Pat, along with June, Danny, Randall, Mom, Dad, Ernie and Chad. I miss you all but it is nice to still have my 2 baby sisters--Jackie and Gwenda.

Gwenda said...

Just as I just wrote on June's blog knowing they don't read these but agian it's my thoughts. I think of Pat and all the crazy things we have done together, the visits to Fairhope,Alabama to see her. The best time was when we (Jackie, June and myself) surprised her. She really wanted to let everyone know who we were. Lord half of my family has already left this ole earth. You will always be in our hearts and ole the memories we still have of everyone. Love and miss you, Gwenda

Anonymous said...

I met this lady that reminded me of you. The memories flooded back. As I listen, talked, smiled and laughed with this lady, I felt as if God gave me a glimps of you. I was taken back in time, it was as if you were sitting with me. I miss you so much.

Love your favorite youngest daughter, Denese

Gwenda said...

Today would have been your birthday. Still thinking of you and miss ya. Your girl babies were up here last week end. It was good to see them. As I wrote on facebook I know ur celebrating with all of our family up there. Love & miss you Pat. Love ya always. Gwenda

Jackie said...

Oh Trish Ann, I still miss you so much. At times I forget that you are gone from here and I start to call you.
You had no idea how much you were loved and just how special you were to everyone who knew you.

Loving and missing you.

Anonymous said...

Just a little note to tell u that I love u and miss u! Teresa

Jackie said...

I thought of you today, but that is nothing new.

I thought of you yesterday and days before that too.

I think of you in silence but I often speak your name.

All I have are memories and your picture in a frame,

But, your memory is my keepsake with which I'll never part.

God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart.

Pat, if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

Love you and still miss you.

Anonymous said...

Missing Mama

I awake each morning to start a new day
But the pain of loosing you never goes away.
I go about the things I have to do
And as the hours pass I think again of you.
I want to call you and just hear your voice
Then I remember that I have no choice
For you are not there and now my heart cries
Just to see you again to tell you goodbye
To say Mama I love you and I always will
And hope that much of you, in me you've instilled.
The day that you left I just didn't know
That you were going where I couldn't go.
And now all my memories of you are so dear
But gosh, how I miss you and wish you were here.
Who now can hear me when I need to cry?
It so hard to tell you "Mama goodbye."
Someday I know all will be well
And I'll see you again with stories to tell
Of how you were missed and how we have grown
And how good it is to finally be home.
Until then my memories of you I'll keep near
And I'll pass them on to those who are dear.
I miss you Mama!
Love your favorite youngest daughter, Denese

Anonymous said...

You were a precious gift from God above,
so much beauty, grace and love.
You touched our hearts in so many ways,
your smile so bright even on the bad days.
You heard God's whisper calling you home,
you didn't want to go and leave us alone.
You loved us so much, you held on tight,
till all the stregnth was gone and you could no longer fight.
He had called your name twice before,
you knew you couldn't make him wait anymore.
So you gave your hand to God and slowly drifted away,
knowing that with our love we will be together again some day.

Love and miss you very much. Now that I have grandbabies of my own, I catch my self saying "What would Mom do?" Denese

Gwenda said...

Hey Shag Nasty..guess you thought I have forgotten you....NO not a chance. I think of you ofter and miss you as much today as the day you left us. I wish you could be here to see litle Josie girl however i know you see her as she is in Gods hand but here on earth. Mama would be amazed by her also. Love ya always and forever.

Teresa said...

Happy Birthday Mom! :)
It is hard not to be sad today then I realized that you are celebrating your life in a most special place. I hope that u have a most special day today as I will also in celebration of your birth and life here on earth!!

Unknown said...

Have I told you lately how much I miss you?

Jaackie said...

Hey Trish Ann,
Just want you to know I still miss you so much. I cleaned my closet out this past weekend and ran across the Hog Heaven T-shirt frp, the last time we celebrated our birthdays together. That started the memories to surround me.
I love you so much and miss you still.

Jackie said...

Trish Ann,
Well, today has been 3 years since you left us, yet, it seems as if it were yesterday. You still bring so many smiles to us as we remember you. You are still missed so much and we love you.